Create is a multi-purpose WordPress theme that gives you the power to create many different styles of websites. 


The Getaway


The Getaway

The Surfboard


The Surfboard

The Chef

Motion, Photography

The Chef

Coffee Shop


Coffee Shop

Page Builder

Create comes with a page builder that allows you to create pages exactly how you want.

Responsive Layout

Create is a responsive theme. Its layout adjusts to look great on any screen size or device.

Retina Ready

Built with the latest technology in mind, rest assured that your site will look crisp on retina displays.

Multiple Headers

Three different header layouts plus color and other options give you plenty of flexibility.

Powerful Options

Create comes with tons of options built right into the WordPress Customizer. So you can give your site a unique look.

Built-in Mega Menu

There is a mega menu built in for those sites that have a lot of pages. You can easily add icons to menu items.

Our customers’ happiness is what matters to us.

Harry Bearstein

“Phasellus sed lectus a mauris facilisis porta vel a nunc. Fusce sit amet neque volutpat, pretium risus id, placerat libero. Suspendisse ac condimentum lectus.”

Harry Bearstein

Sarah Smith

“Nunc id nunc fringilla, cursus velit quis, bibendum urna. Praesent luctus enim vel molestie eleifend. Nulla luctus mauris id turpis placerat, vitae pulvinar justo aliquet. “

Sarah Smith

Sam McNealy

“Pellentesque id erat et orci euismod luctus. Sed laoreet molestie massa, eleifend venenatis felis sodales id. Vestibulum turpis ante, lobortis sed dolor vel, molestie suscipit nulla.”

Sam McNealy

Kelly Jordan

“Praesent lacinia risus ipsum, sed gravida velit lacinia ut. Pellentesque orci lacus, egestas sed pellentesque nec, blandit nec enim. Morbi fringilla nisi dolor, et accumsan sem dapibus nec.”

Kelly Jordan

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Unlimited Parallax Sections

Create unlimited parallax sections for your pages. It’s as easy as adding a new page builder row, uploading an image, and choosing “parallax from the drop down.



Use Create to build your next site.


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